
Sam Donaldson on the Daily Caller

Eclectic Cyborg6/16/2012 7:35:44 pm PDT

Ok folks, I need some opinions here. I’ve been writing steadily on my immigration themed novel and I’ve just finished this segment featuring a TV news interview in which the interviewee is intended to be a wingnut. What I’m looking for is do you think I’m made him wingnutty enough? Does he seem a fair characterization of the typical far right mentality in this area?

“Joining me today is Arizona Congressman Mike Arnold. Thank you for being here Mr. Arnold.”

“Thank you for having me.”

“Well, let’s get down to it. Obviously there are a lot of people that are unhappy with the immigration law Arizona is attempting to put in place. Where do you stand in all of this?”

“Let me make this clear Grayson. I do NOT have a problem with immigrants. This nation was built on immigration and I completely support those who wish to come to the United States LEGALLY. Those who wish to do so by other means are another matter entirely.”

“Are you saying that illegal aliens should have no rights whatsoever?”

“Every human is entitled to the same basic rights Grayson, but here’s what this boils down to as far as I’m concerned: A criminal is a criminal. If you commit a crime, you pay the price. Look at the term: Illegal Alien. ILLEGAL Alien. It’s pretty self explanatory. People who fall under that definition are in violation of Federal Law and deserve to be punished. What kind of precedent are we setting if we suddenly decide to look the other way on this kind of ‘rule breaking’?”

“A lot of people are saying Arizona is overstepping their bounds with this law. The general feeling is that immigration laws and policies should be left up to the Federal Government. Do you agree?”

“Not in the least.”

“So how would you respond to people who hold that view?”

“I’d be more than happy to leave immigration enforcement in the hands of the Federal Government…IF they had shown they were competent and effective in doing so. The truth is though, that this administration seems more than happy to just pretend the immigration problem doesn’t really exist and leave states like ours out to dry.”

“Can you explain a little more on what you mean when you say ‘out to dry’?”

“Federal Immigration policies and procedures are written by government bureacrats thousands of miles away from the border. This is Arizona. The border is in our backyard. This legislation was written and developed by people who have seen the problems and issues firsthand. We have people dying on and near the border every day due to drug and gang violence. The Feds claim they are cracking down on it and saving lives but I’m sorry, I just don’t see it.”

(continues in next post)