
Tucson Helps Immigrants in Need, May Ask Obama to Curb Deportations

Teukka7/05/2014 7:14:32 pm PDT

Reposted here to remind you that some people simply can’t grasp just how horrible these weapons are, kind of the same way that people can’t grasp that something the size of a grapefruit (the size of a implosion weapon core) will kill and destroy practically everything within a mile radius, and render most things within a three or four mile radius useless.

Hiroshima had something like 15 working hospitals before the attack. Only 3 were (somewhat) operational after that fateful morning. And I haven’t even started on Acute Radiation Syndrome yet (don’t worry, I won’t gross you out with that, you have to click).

It sickens me when wingnuts go HURR! DURR! Turn’em into a day-glo parking lot HURR! DURR!

It sickens me when dudebros go HERP! Mah preciousssss rightsssss are more important! DERP!

It only takes one slip-up of an intelligence agency for a terrorist to slip one in and kill at least 50,000 people (remember, modern ones are 10 to 100 times more potent than the two used in anger in Japan). And when that happens, these same people will be begging government to take their rights and freedoms as long as they get who did it.