
Overnight Open Thread

Dianna5/12/2009 11:59:35 pm PDT

re: #68 Erik The Red

Oh boy this is going to be fun watching this paly out in the coming days. Any bets that the bitch will resign.
Report: Aide Told Pelosi of Waterboarding Use

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was reportedly told in February 2003 by her intelligence aide, Michael Sheehy, that waterboarding was used on CIA detainee Abu Zubaydah, directly contradicting Pelosi’s account that she had never been informed of the technique’s use.

What makes you think Nancy cares about truth? She can get re-elected any old time.

It just doesn’t matter.

Until you saw “old money” San Francisco walking around with “Re-elect Willie Brown” buttons, you don’t know how simply wierd SF politics can get. Oh: Hint: this was when Tom Amiano was on the run-off ballot as a run off candidate!