
Supreme Court Rules Against Sotomayor, For Saudi Arabia

NelsFree6/29/2009 10:22:57 am PDT

OT: Conversation with a union retiree
I stopped for lunch at a local convenience store. I joined a heavily tattooed fellow on a bicycle at an outdoor table. He had been a union truck driver who recently retired. He carried a tattoo of the Teamsters on his left calf, over a foot long.
As we talked, he extolled the benefits of being union. A nearby fellow joined us and told how he had been intimidated and extorted when working on a union job site. I mentioned that unions had harmed automobile manufacturing, the airlines, and other industries. The trucker then, incredulously, listed four companies for which he had worked that had all gone broke. “And ya know what it was that broke ‘em? It was the unions!”
“So,” I said,”you admit that unions are destroying businesses in America?”
“Yep,” came the reply,” but I get $2500 a month, and I don’t care!”
I left right after that.