
Fox News Gives Juan Williams a $2M Payoff

wrenchwench10/21/2010 4:12:27 pm PDT

From Juan’s statement at Fox:

Yesterday NPR fired me for telling the truth. The truth is that I worry when I am getting on an airplane and see people dressed in garb that identifies them first and foremost as Muslims.

This is not a bigoted statement.

Can someone’s clothes identify them “first and foremost” as their religion? If a man is wearing a kippah, I see him first and foremost as a man, a fellow human. If someone told Juan that they see him “first and foremost” as black, would he think that was bigoted?

And just how expert is Juan at identifying the religion of a person by their clothes?

But of course, what it comes down to is that Juan has no self-preservation skills if the people he’s afraid of are the ones who stand out from the crowd by the way they dress. It’s never that guy.