
Stuck in the Middle with You

Daria Emmons8/24/2009 11:23:06 am PDT

re: #796 Lynn B.

How can you actually know why Charlies linked the article, unless you get inside his mind? (channeling your #739)

/see … that line of “reasoning” doesn’t work so well.

Very simple. Charles, in the very title of his article, said “stuck in the middle with you.” He also said that the NYT ‘smear’ combined with a far-right smear ‘counts as a win.’

In short, he very clearly linked to this article to prove he is a centrist - NOT to complain about being insulted.


Why exactly does the term ‘feminist hawk’ imply hawk before feminist? Where in the term does it imply that the bearer of the title is ‘using’ feminism to advance a particular agenda?


The term ‘feminist’ does not imply female superiority. It rather implies a desire for female equality, because over the millenia, women have not been treated equally with men. And so yes, I am a feminist, as I believe in female equality with men.