
Video: Dawkins vs. Wright

Bill K.8/05/2009 11:35:45 pm PDT

Recent human evolution was an excellent example for Dawkins to have used. The intermediate stages between modern man and the ape family that evolved over a span of few million years have been exhaustively documented. The evidence is so compelling all you have to do is look at the skeletons, something that Wendy Wright seems loathe to do.

Dawkins had Wright over the barrel for most of the second video. It looked like she was starting to sweat and stammer and obviously she was trying to change the direction of the discussion and start psychoanalyzing the supporters of evolution.

However Dawkins blew the last part of the discussion when he fell into the trap Wright had set when he said that he wanted to present the facts to the children in school and “let them decide”. This is exactly the concession Wright was looking for.

For one thing how are children, whose education is incomplete, going to decide what facts presented them are the right ones? They are not yet in the position to make these judgments. The best teaching methodology is to present the latest scientific facts and the theories to the students and the evidence that supports them. Evolution is high up on the hierarchical ladder of knowledge and is one of the last things that should be taught in science classrooms and not among the first. Bible stories and religious dogma do not fit this criteria and therefore have no place in the classroom.

Dawkins, who should know better, then appeals to authority, and religious authority at that, to try to escape the trap he finds himself in.
Wright’s smug, self-congratulatory demeanor let’s us know she’s won. Dawkins should have stuck to the facts and not let Wright evade them.