
Canada's Science Minister: A Creationist?

bellamags3/18/2009 4:10:18 pm PDT

OT - way off topic.

Has anyone else noticed the slow reaction of children to get out of the way of cars in the road? When I was little, I would get my butt paddled if I didn’t RUN to get out of the road if a car was in sight, not to mention, I was told not to play in the STREET.

The annoying children in my neighborhood play in the road and if you pull up behind them to get by on the street, they look at you like YOU are the one in the way. Then they yell at you to “slow down” even if you are going 5 under the speed limit. Parents just stand there and watch.

Here’s an idea “Don’t play in the f*cking street!” Every house has a generous back yard. When did this switch? It is indicative of the way this country seems to be going. The one with the power and advantage (automobile) must slow down and pander to the one with the disadvantage (kid in street) with the approval and encouragement of parents (government).

Sheesh. sorry if this made no sense but I had to get if off my chest.