
Disgusting Racist of the Day

Honorary Yooper7/23/2009 3:00:17 pm PDT

This thread has been a very interesting read.

1. You have those who, for some reason, are trying to defend the image. Folks, no matter what you think of Obama, this image is indefensible. It is wrong on many levels, and yes, race is one of them.

2. You have a few who are using it as a bludgeon to label all on the right as racists who are OK with it. That’s also wrong, as I see quite a few here who are on the right and rightly criticizing the image as racist and wrong.

The image is terrible, and I applaud those who are standing up and saying it is wrong. We need more of this from both the right and the left, not just one or the other. It cannot be politicized as have similar images in the past. They are wrong, period, full stop.