
LGF Poll: 9/11 Terror Trials in New York

BryanS11/18/2009 8:25:19 pm PST

re: #778 LudwigVanQuixote

A real fight. People hate that I keep pointing out how Americans used to be proud that we stood for the rule of law.

They really hate that all those people we were taught that we were better than did things like hold people indefinitely without trial and torture.

They hate the fact that they are defending the same sorts of things that the SS and the Khmer Rouge and the Japanese did.

They really hate having it pointed out to them.

Did we have the rule of law in mind when we dropped the bomb on Japan? About the same order of magnitude in death toll. While not the same military toll, the economic toll was orders of magnitude larger. That is no less significant of an attack on our nation.

I think we should have dealt with Afghanistan like we did Japan—no, not dropping THE bomb, but we should have recognized how costly it would be to take over Afghanistan in terms of both life and treasure. We should have bombed with impunity until the Taliban voluntarily surrendered Obama and gang.