
Rachel Maddow on the Mainstreaming of Crackpot Conspiracy Theories by the Right Wing

Kragar4/25/2013 4:24:57 pm PDT

Malkin links Grover Norquist to Boston Marathon bombing

“I think of course political correctness has always been the handmaiden of terrorism, on top of that political pandering, and unfortunately neither party has its hands completely free of this,” she told Sean Hannity while discussing the bombing suspects.

“If you go on my website right now,, I talk more about the first president of the mosque that the bombers attended, Abdurahman Alamoudi, who has ties to the GOP — and in particular Grover Norquist — that a lot of people in the establishment had never, never condemned,” Malkin added. “If this had been a liberal who was tied to it, everybody on the right would be screaming about it. So both parties, both establishments are guilty of not speaking up enough and not doing enough to stop these people.”