
Overnight Bad Lip Reading Remix: "Sing-Song Contest of America"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam5/23/2014 11:47:35 pm PDT

re: #78 freetoken

It’s convenient for them to assume there is such a quantity as race, because all the quasi-scientific handwaving enables them to justify their own prejudices. As a journalist, Wade did a piss-poor job of addressing the scientific basis of race, or rather, the lack of such a basis. Race is a cultural construct, not a scientific one.

Meanwhile, the supposedly superior whites are curiously mum about Asians’ generally superior performance on math and science exams.

I’ve followed this kind of pseudo-scientific garbage since the 1970s, when the pop expert du jour was William Shockley, of transistor fame. The quality of the “research” and arguments have not improved one iota.