
ZOMG, Hamas Hangs Young Kids on Fence to use as Human Shields!

Skip Intro8/02/2014 6:28:32 pm PDT

As we head into the 2014 election season, here’s a brief outline of what the GOP has been up to for the last six years.

Six years. Six fucking years of birth certificates and fake social security numbers and the imminent End of Days and Biblical Antichrists and teleprompters and FEMA death camps and secret reeducation centers and 911 truthiness and supposed gayness and Michelle’s sex change and Black Panthers and Tea Parties and Communists and Nazis and Socialists and Arabs and gun grabbing and Israel hating and death panels and painting over Old Glory on Air Force one and killing his own ambassadors and killing Breitbart and killing the kids at Sandy Hook and killing the soldiers at Fort Hood (twice) and NOT killing bin Laden and spilling oil in the Gulf of Mexico and HAARPing himself up a hurricane to punish New Jersey and disappearing Malaysian airliners and ordering IRS outrages and alien reptile lizards from the 4th Dimension and Sharia Law and, well, it just goes on and on and on.

If only the DNC had someone in charge, maybe they could be pointing this out before they manage to lose the Senate to these people.

Jim Wright, Stonekettle Station.