
Video: Katrina Pierson Face-Plants Majestically on CNN

ObserverArt8/13/2016 12:56:34 pm PDT

re: #52 ObserverArt

I have a question the good Lizard crew can help me with.

I’m seeing a bunch of people saying Hillary “Crowed about” and “made a big deal” about the endorsement from John Negroponte.

I know it is being reported that way, but did she actually make a thing of it, or just accept he made the endorsement?

It seems to be a thing. And I need some ammo.

Still asking for a friend.

I get the feeling Clinton wasn’t “bragging” about it at all.

And I got that “bragging” line from this link: Esquire - Why Is Hillary Clinton Bragging About This Endorsement?

And that comes from an article by By Charles P. Pierce.

I’d be interested in what BeachDem thinks about his take about all this.