
VIDEO: Jordan Klepper Sees It All at the Capitol Insurrection

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS1/12/2021 1:53:01 pm PST

re: #73 jeffreyw

Senator Mitch McConnell is said to believe that the impeachment effort will make it easier to purge President Trump from the party.

NYTimes link

Mr. McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, has indicated that he wants to see the specific article of impeachment that the House is set to approve on Wednesday, which is expected to draw support from as many as a dozen Republicans, potentially including Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the party’s No. 3 in the House. But he has made clear in private discussions that he believes now is the moment to move on the weakened lame duck, whom he blames for causing Republicans to lose the Senate.

If he thinks that, why is he delaying it until the 19th?