
IDF Video: Background on Gaza Conflict

zombie1/04/2009 12:11:07 pm PST

Ah, here’s a pristine example of what I call the “troll jihad” — a moby comment just left on zomblog:


“134 Anonymous on Jan 4, 2009 at 11:06 am:

I was once sympathetic to the Palistinian cause. But now I have been enlightened by my Pro-Israeli brothers and sisters and have come to realize that all Palestinans are nothing but anti-semetic savages with no redeeming values. I say it is time for Israel to be brave enough to do that which finally must be done. It is time for the “final solution”. Don’t let those nukes degrade any further, put them to good use. Or perhaps a more ecologically sound approach might be to rehabilitate some of The Furher’s long abandoned delousing showers from Aushwitz and Buchenwald. It is time to show the world the ultimate act of moral courage and rid it of the Palestinian scourge.”


What’s your opinion: was this left by a leftist, or an Islamist?

Such fake moby jihad comments are coming fast and thick in the last week — several per hour.