
Video: Dawkins vs. Wright

Fierce Guppy8/06/2009 5:02:03 am PDT

Evolutionary processes made human nature. Most philosophy deals with why and to what extent and to what end and in what context our potentialities set by our human nature should or ought to be utilized. Like so many atheists on the Left, Richard Dawkins is a philosophical void. He is aware that philosophy founded upon evolutionary processes is irrational and destructive, but is completely hopeless when it comes to offering an alternative that is founded on human nature and explains and fosters qualities of human nature that theists claim is God given such as benevolence, love, empathy, and compassion. Wendy Wright was making a ~moral~ argument against accepting TOE in saying that it necessarily leads to tyranny. Richard Dawkins lacks any structured philosophy by way of example that demonstrates otherwise. She won.

Now I can go to bed.
