
Scott Brown Wins in Massachusetts

researchok1/19/2010 8:39:05 pm PST

re: #699 laZardo

I’m sure you enjoy your little condescending moments at the end of your comments like that, but sure. First thing is I’d like to see a source that Khomeini really did flinch when Reagan threatened to bomb them.

Second, Iran is a textbook “Animal Farm”. They always start off idealistic (regardless of whatever ideals are used) but given the massive power inherited by the ruling cabal, it ends up degenerating into corruption after a time. Iran was at the former stage back in 1980.

Today, it’s best to let that regime collapse under its own corruption. Then, as now, nothing will unify the Iranian people more than a good ol’ fashioned American bombing.

Sorry I forgot to include the Reagan source material in my reply to you:

Memos Reveal that President Reagan Ordered Strikes Against Iran If Hostages Were Killed

Wanna play some more?