
Overnight Hope-a-Dope

Spare O'Lake1/30/2009 7:20:02 am PST

re: #716 Irish Rose

Are you kidding me?
Good freaking grief.
She has a “right” to access drug thereapy because she’s an American citizen.
If she paid for it herself (and she must have, since fertility treatments are not covered by insurance) then what right do you or I or anyone else for that matter have to tell her how many children she should or should not have?
This is the United States, not China.

Please pardon me if I do not “coo” over a single mom who has chosen to have 14 and counting. FOURTEEN!
I see no hint of racism. There is speculation that she is Muslim based on her family name - Islam is not a race.
Is she an American citizen?
Did she pay for the fertility treatment herself?
Did she pay for the vast amount of pre-natal care herself?
Did she pay for the vast natal care herself?
Will she pay for the future medical costs and vast child-rearing expenses?
Why has the father left for Iraq - is he a US soldier or even an American citizen?
The family claims to have a huge house “not here” - is the “huge house” in the USA?
Until these questions are answered I suggest you keep your shirt on.