
Video: Obama's Speech at Buchenwald

ladycatnip6/05/2009 5:08:22 pm PDT


We are at polar ends of this discussion, but to ding someone down for a difference of opinion, is well, a little too group-think for my taste.

You’re more than welcome to agree with doubter444; not deserving of a down-ding.

As to #3, the scenario doubter444 used certainly was applicable to national security, freedoms etc. Nothing nuanced here:

Think of it: do you really think that rabid Anti-Abortion leaders would stop with Abortion being outlawed?
Or would fundamentalists push for more and more “correct” positions: Religion in schools, Christianity as the national religion, Creationism, Women in traditional roles and so on.
Now think what it takes for that mindset.
It only takes an authoritarian psychopath, one you agree with, and some power, and people fall into line.
People will do as they are told, want to get along, left alone.
Someone quoted Mao the other day: Kill one to scare a thousand.

In my opinion, to call the Nazi torturers “human” is wrong. They had no conscience about the atrocities they did. They exterminated over 6 million Jews, not counting the homosexuals, the mentally challenged, etc.

I visited Dachau back in the 1970’s and it was horrific. The large wall pics of the prisoners is still with me.