
Cap-and-Trade Passes House

docremulac6/27/2009 6:55:40 am PDT

Here’s a couple of “scientific facts”

The term “scientific facts” gets thrown around so much as a way to punctuate somebody’s belief that it’s about as useful as the term “clinically proven”.

The global warming thugs all leave nuclear energy out of their planning despite Japan and France proving it’s safety for decades now. Coincidentally, there is no money to be made by the Green Reich should nuclear power be expanded despite that fact that it would eliminate a huge source of fossil fuel consumption.

The term has been changed from “global warming” to “climate change”. Why? Because they want to leave the door open to make money if the Earth cools as was the prophecy several decades ago by the way. If the Earth is warming why call it anything else?

A society needs a certain amount of intelligence and common sense to keep it’s freedom. This is our test and so far it looks like we didn’t pass it.