
Hilarious: Daily Show Apologizes to Egypt for Bachmann, King, and Gohmert

Charles Johnson9/15/2013 5:25:18 pm PDT

A long, long post about Barrett Brown that gets some stuff wrong, but lots right. This person is apparently a friend of Lee Stranahan and maybe Robert Stacy McCain, hard to tell.

Barrett Brown Is Not on Trial for Journalism but for Abetting Hacking and Threatening Law-Enforcement - Wired State

There’s an error here:

Brown wrote only 6 blog posts for Vanity Fair in 2009-2010 at a time when blogging was being encouraged by major magazines and there was more access to it even for oddballs. One of these blog posts is a hatchet piece about Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs, whom he ordered a hacker to harass and to have Johnson’s website taken down after the two had a falling out — for a time, Brown posted some blogs on LGF, where, like Daily Kos, pretty much anyone can get their own blog. As anyone can see from this post, it is rambling, hateful and incoherent and would likely not have made it to Vanity Fair if it weren’t for that major magazine’s desire to be cool and hate on the right wing at the time.

The article Barrett Brown wrote about me for Vanity Fair was no hatchet piece - it was actually a fair article, written around the time of my “Parting Ways with the Right” post and the NYT profile - but he used it to push his Project PM thing when it was just starting.