
NBC News Reports Snowden Stole Passwords From Coworkers - Greenwald Says It's a Lie

Reality Based Steve2/13/2014 11:44:40 am PST

re: #72 Good Morning

Coworker: Can you help me with something? [co worker is completely incompetent and got his government job through political connections or some sort of preference]

Snowden: Sure I can do that, give me your uid and pwd and I’ll have that done by tomorrow. [Snowden thinks to himself loser!!!!!]

Coworker: Wow thanks, let’s go for beers after work I’m buying. [Wow add my previous government service to the year I already worked here and I can retire with 6 figures in just 12 years of this.]

Snowden: Uh, I have stuff to do tonight. [He He HE HE HE]

I was teaching a class for the State of TN. at one of their training centers. A student asked me what his login was, I told him that it’s the same one he used every day. He said he didn’t know his password, but not to worry.

At this point he whips out his cell phone, calls his office, and asks his co-worker to read him his password, which he has written on a post-it note and taped the cube wall.


The security guy in me was just dying, I’m not sure how many times my “Fatal Security Violation” gong went off in a 20 second span.