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Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/29/2019 6:09:44 am PDT

Boris Johnson rapidly aiming to out-Trump Trump:

Boris Johnson refuses to rule out declaring emergency to force through no-deal Brexit

Boris Johnson has refused to rule out declaring an emergency to force through no-deal Brexit.

The Prime Minister failed to deny ministers could use civil contingency powers to suspend the Benn Act. “I’m not going to get into a hypothetical situation,” he told the BBC’s Andrew Marr.

MPs passed the Benn Act this month which forces the Prime Minister to ask for a three-month delay to the Brexit date - if there’s no agreement by October 19, straight after an EU summit.

MPs increasingly believe Downing Street is considering using the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, which grants special powers in the event of a national emergency, as a way to override the Benn act.

At least The Mirror is willing to use the word “lie”, unlike most American media:

4 lies or half-truths Boris Johnson just told on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show