
Thursday Afternoon Hopin'

Pietr1/29/2009 3:14:59 pm PST

Is Zombie around? I ask, because I’ve gotten a disturbing report from a grand nephew, on the missus side. He was called up with his guard unit to work the security for the Inauguration. He said there was a bus load of BO supporters who came by and they were calling the troops “Fascist Army Pigs” and spitting at them. I wondered if he or anyone else got similar feedback.

Now I thought the GWB “Heyhey Goodbye” was low class-but to treat the guys/gals who protect us (and who were there to protect them, as well as BO) like this, on Jan 20TH, is the LOWEST of low class. Bubba’s time was called the trailer trash years by some-but even he and Hilarious’s supporters weren’t this vile, IMHO…….