
Violence in Tehran, Suicide Bomber at Ayatollah's Tomb

lawhawk6/20/2009 12:39:21 pm PDT

re: #788 iceweasel

He would be weak and ineffective if he says and does nothing on Iran. His past actions show that he’s more than willing to piss away American projection of power by apologizing for anything and everything to anyone and everyone regardless of the circumstances or the effect it has on current and future allies or potential allies. Enemies see this as weakness.

Iran’s thugs in charge would still engage in a crackdown. I have no doubt of that. But words of support and encouragement for protesters hoping to see that their vote means something might take root not just in Iran but elsewhere around the world.

He will fail on the issue of Iran by saying nothing. He has a chance for success if he speaks. Words may have repercussions far in excess of the meager words of support to the current protesters. You look forward - beyond the instant situation.

After all, if the regime retains power and cracks down brutally on the protesters, how is our diplomatic stance affected? It isn’t. If anything, the Iranians would be even more aggressive in the face of dithering and silent assent. If the protesters succeed, then there’s a possibility for a real breakthrough that which the Administration can and would take full credit. How is that a situation from which the Administration shrinks from?