
Bad Craziness in San Francisco

Kosh's Shadow1/03/2009 7:52:51 pm PST

re: #759 dmandman

A few years ago, my boys attended a SF Convention where actually one of the “guests of honor” sole claim to fame was an episode where he wore the infamous ‘red shirt’ and was BEM food before the first commercial break.

That reminds me of Galaxy Quest. Great movie.

I won a trip from a DS9 contest. We didn’t get on the set; they were filming, but we had lunch with Armin Shimmerman (Quark) and Rene Aberjonois (sp? Odo). And we got to see Terry Farrell (Jadziya Dax). She looks even skinnier in person.
Anyway, they were filming the episode in which the Jem Hadar gave some rebel planet a disease where they had spots; when the spots turned red, they died. One extra, waiting outside, said “I died two days ago, but they had me back in case they needed me again.)