
Fanatics, Creationists, and Theocrats Win One in Texas

Killgore Trout5/22/2010 6:05:23 pm PDT

re: #814 Stanley Sea

Killgore, gardening question (and I didn’t look in the cookbook first, so don’t be mad!)

We have a lot of rabbits. We are trying hard to plant a garden. So far it’s safe because it’s in cinder block planters. So far… We also planted morning glories around the perimeter of the yard. Bunnies are a-munching. They are almost decimated. What do you suggest?

I’m having really good luck with my Contech Electronics CRO101 Scarecrow Motion-Activated Sprinkler. Runs off a 9 volt battery and has a field of view of about 45 degrees and a distance of maybe 40-60 feet. It might help you out. Especially at night and early morning when the critters are most active. The rabbits are skittish enough that it might work.