
Overnight Open Thread

827 9:25:22 am PDT

re: #822 SixDegrees

On the subject of protocols: does anyone have background on the statement that American Presidents never bow, as part of some long-standing tradition? Because 0’s scrape before Abdullah is the first I’ve ever heard of such a tradition, and I can’t find anything to back it up other than blog entries. Likewise, is there any reference on the related claim that bowing before the Saudi King, in particular, is a gesture of acknowledged inferiority and subservience? This is a claim that pops up slightly later on the blogs mentioned, after several people noted that Bush I, and probably other Presidents, bow to their Japanese counterparts, but that this is somehow different because it is an acknowledgment of equality? A reference to an actual political protocol or history site unattached to a particular political viewpoint would be welcome.

My own feeling on 0’s trip to Saudi Arabia is that he missed an opportunity to call out Our Friends the Saudis on their support of Wahabism, both politically and financially. This is a far more important issue than the millions of words spilled over The Bow, to my way of thinking.

There might be something in here:
Office of the Chief of Protocol, State Department