
Cap-and-Trade Passes House

rollwave876/27/2009 11:23:57 am PDT

re: #827 docremulac

By swearing allegiance to any one political party aren’t you being the epitome of a sheep?

nope. because the policies of freedom and individual choice/responsibility that are the bedrock of the repuiblican party, as espoused by Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, John McCain, and others are also the bedrock of my political beliefs. to some i may be a conservative, to others, a moderate or liberal, and my position on certain issues may change, but I will alway be a republican.

and as far as the whole nuclear energy things goes, I am totally in support of nuke power, and, btw, totally opposed to ethanol. so there is a lot of obamas energy plan i dont really like. but to ignore the significance of congress officially recognizing climate change just because you dont think the bill is perfect is completely short-sighted. our constitution was, when it was ratified, arguably one of the greatest documents ever written in world history. it also happened to have some inane laws, such as saying blacks were only 3/5 of a person. but it didnt make the constitution any less miraculous in the grand scheme of things. you have to start somewhere. despite my differences with him, the president seems to understand this.