
Sekrit Counter-Jihad Summit Held

Zimriel5/24/2009 5:32:12 pm PDT

re: #70 freetoken

BTW, reading the comments on that Sunday Express BNP article… we see several BNP sympathizers and UKIP hopefuls. Is the mood changing that much in Britain?

The expense-account disaster, which I’ve been playing up in comments here, is a windfall to the BNP. Labour and the Tories both were deep into this. The BNP is the one party that Sharon over in downtown Liverpool knows is not complicit with the political culture in Westminster.

It happens to be for the right reasons - they’re a bunch of Nazis and freaks - but being completely shunned by the major parties, which are now known to be venal as well as incompetent, has its (political) advantages too.