
Sunday Morning Open

elizajane1/09/2011 9:59:43 am PST

I just want to spend a moment thinking about Christina Green, who was born on the date of one act of senseless violence and died as the victim of another, just nine years later.
She was very interested in politics. She’d gone to Safeway with a friend because she was excited to meet Representative Giffords. She was there for exactly the right reason, the kind of reason I wish other kids of her age would follow, and she died for it.
Her mother today called on Americans to stop the violence and the hatred:

It made me think of a time over twenty years ago, a terrible bombing of a parade in Northern Ireland. In the live coverage on BBC I heard a man describe how a wall had fallen on his young daughter, and he had found her hand in the rubble and held it and heard her say “I love you papa,” and then she died. And through his tears this man said, “I don’t blame anybody. I don’t want revenge. I want this violence to stop, for my daughter’s sake.” I sat and cried in front of my radio, and I cry now for that Irish girl 20 years ago and for the American child today.