
Palin Pimps Beck

~Fianna8/26/2009 1:09:09 pm PDT

re: #709 itellu3times

Seems right to me. No doubt the problem is convincing non-IT execs who have no knowledge or direct connection to the getting it done. I’m mostly a back-end guy (ok, simmer down over there) these days, outside of mild net-surfing don’t much do browser-based anything, so I guess I just fell way behind the curve on this.

It’s always a tough decision whether or not you want to design function in a way that’s convenient to users and broadly supported or if there’s a good enough reason to ask your users to do something to make life easier for IT.

On the app of doom that I’m currently working on, I made the call that our FF users needed to move up to 3.5 because 3.5 handles dynamic tables and text-wrapping in a MUCH better way than >3.5 did. It’s VERY rare for me to say this, but dynamic tabled data display is something that IE has handled well since IIRC 3.x and FF was way behind.

If they really don’t want to upgrade, the display still works, but FF doesn’t wrap text nicely so they’ll be scrolling right in >3.5 if the displayed string is longer than their monitor with.