
Pawlenty Jumps Aboard the Nut Wagon

austin_blue9/04/2009 10:03:24 pm PDT

re: #753 jcm

Ah. That’s the question of the day!

Let me frame it like this:

Socialized local services like fire, police, water and sewage processing serve the common good. We all benefit when the town doesn’t burn down, criminals are apprehended, we don’t get sick from bad water or standing sewage in the streets. It allows us to be a community and for our economy to keep humming because order and public health is maintained.

Why should health care be different? We all know that a healthy population is a more productive population. Production is profit for industry. We are perfectly happy not to outsource the FAA or the military (can you imagine the cost if Xe Corp was fighting the wars in A&I?). Why is it that the insurance industry, of all of our major quality of life industries in this country, gets to privatize the profit and socialize the cost of the citizens it refuses to insure? That’s insane and unsustainable.