
Midday Open Thread

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines3/19/2010 7:34:07 pm PDT

Certain people on the right like to characterize my own alma mater, Cornell University, as “Berkeley east” and Ithaca as the “city of evil.”

I am not the least bit offended by this, as long as people don’t over-apply the generalization and assume that I, for example, am a crazed moonbat just by virtue of having been a student there. The place really is infested with crazies and it was in the 70s when I was there. In fact, it sometimes seems to be frozen in time. If it is still 1958 here at Texas Tech, it is still 1972 in Ithaca.

Even so, some worthwhile things have been done there and continue to this day. Cornell operates the Arecibo radio observatory, for example, and was the longtime home of a certain professor Carl Sagan. I myself seem to have avoided assimilation into the Cornell moonbat collective and I have heard that there are others like me.

The antics of the crazies are real though and no ulterior motive is necessary for someone to find fault with them.