
IDF Kills Giant Jew-Eating Rabbit

Serious1/07/2009 1:17:45 pm PST

re: #809 Kenneth

It is also a war crime to store munitions in mosques, schools and private homes. It’s a war crime to use civilians as human shields to protect those places. It’s a war crime to fire from those civilian locations and thereby remove the protected status which places of worship & schools ought to have. It is also a war crime for Hamas combatants to not wear military uniforms with proper insignia.

In my humble opinion what hamas does is not a war crime because they are not a legitimate army , so it is another kind of crime … it is terrorism , they are just a terrorist oganization , they don’t deserve to be seen as any army or anything like that .
And as a terrorist organization the civilians are their main target if they are “infidels” or their main “tools” if they are palestinian .
Their crimes are just coward acts of terrorism , no matter if the victims are jews or palestinian children used as human shields .

About assud the bunny , this photo is some kind of “fauxtography-for-children edition” ? ‘