
St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch Denies Raising Money for Darren Wilson

Yeah Sure WhatEVs9/15/2014 4:03:18 pm PDT

Hey look. I just got an email from John McCain.


I’ll get right to the point.

Right now, we’re quite literally in a battle for the future of America.

Our way of life - our freedom, our security, our hope for a prosperous future for all of our families and our children’s children - could be put at risk if Barack Obama and the Democrats win total control of our government again on November 4.

There’s too much at stake at home and abroad to just sit back and let it happen. Times like these demand real, decisive, principled leadership from America’s leaders.

And with the elections just 50 days away, we do not have a moment to waste.

Today, there are barbaric acts of violence and destruction taking place throughout the world that are a threat to our freedom. And there’s very little stability at home when it comes to our economy, jobs and energy production.

Despite the Democrats’ distortions and lies, facts are stubborn things. And the truth is we need strong Republican leadership to restore peace and prosperity at home and throughout the world.

(Me), if the RNC is going to be able to fully fund the nationwide Get-Out-The-Vote efforts and provide the technology and data necessary to win a Republican Senate Majority and maintain our Majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, we must raise more than $4 million in the next 15 days.

We must have your help to meet this goal right now.

That is why I’m calling on you, as a loyal member of our Party, to join me in giving at least $1 for each of the 36 Senate seats up for election. That’s a $36 contribution toward taking back the Senate, stopping Obama’s destructive agenda and redirecting our nation’s course.

Your $36 contribution blah blah blah. It will allow the RNC to make double the investments necessary to carry out our winning strategy these next 50 days.

I am determined to do whatever I can to secure a Republican Senate Majority in November. Stand with me and commit to victory.

Thank you,

Senator John McCain


Yeee fucking ha