
Watch Live: CPAC 2018, Day 2, Featuring Far Right Anti-Muslim Conspiracy Theorist Frank Gaffney

Scottish Dragon2/23/2018 12:09:38 pm PST

Rod Dreher is at it again…..and alicublog is all over it.

Thank God we’ve got Rod Dreher for lulz! Right out of the gate God’s Gastronome gives us a striking comparison:

I get as annoyed with right-wing Second Amendment absolutists who insist that any attempt to control guns will lead to a civil liberties apocalypse as I do with left-wing First Amendment absolutists who hold that any attempt to control access to pornography is welcoming Big Brother.

You’ll get my porn when you pry it from my warm, sticky hands, Dreher! Porn, or what passes for porn at the BenOp compound, turns out to be much on Dreher’s mind: After suggesting school shootings are caused by kids going to large schools — as opposed to the one-room schoolhouse where Rod’s ancestors l’arned to read and cipher — he suggests a connection to stories in magazines like The Lily and Teen Vogue “pushing polyamory,” ass-fucking, ice cream douches and vibrators — “the most tender, intimate expressions of love between a man and a woman, reduced to bestial gestures,” preaches Rod; “…It’s almost as if the dominant culture and its institutions are radically dehumanizing teenagers, and are mystified as to why some of those teenagers don’t see others as human beings worthy of respect and care.”

I wonder what’s the mechanism of action for this — do the antisocial young men who comprise the majority of mass murderers get corrupted by reading Teen Vogue and Vulture? Or do they somehow meet the sort of big-city gals who read these publications, perhaps at potential-mass-murderer mixers, and become intoxicated and corrupted by their intimate Ben & Jerry’s scent?

As usual, the Dreher “reader” “letter” is the highlight:

UPDATE: Reader Matt in VA writes:
I am surprised that you don’t draw out the parallel between school shootings and another common theme on this blog — early-onset transgenderism.

The easy availability of machine guns can’t be the problem; otherwise why would they be so much more scared by the monsters under their beds?

Transgender mass shooters..your hot take of the day.