
Overnight Open Thread

Creeping Eruption4/03/2009 7:40:07 am PDT

re: #817

I had a dress once, that I loved.
I wore it to a meeting, and somebody there greeted me with, gee, I love those curtains you’re wearing!

Went home, threw the dress away.

I hope you had a nice retort for that asshole first. I had that happen once. I was visiting a friend of mine at his office. Both of us in grad school working temp jobs in firms we hoped would hire us. I was in jeans having just come for class and my friend was in a suit. His boss walked, looked my over, sniffed, and said”dressed like that, it is a good thing you don’t work for me.” I smiled and replied “Mr. ____ regardless how I dress, it is a good thing I don’t work for you.”