
We Got Mail!

hellosnackbar7/27/2010 8:14:04 am PDT

Having read this e-mail I must say that this chap iterates my view precisely.
I do not comment often on this site because most of the issues are pure American and I am unfamiliar with the personalities and issues.
However,having read transcripts of the “teabaggers” rallies and watching
that maniac Beck on Fox;I’m seriously gloomy about the short term political future of the GOP.
In the sixties I was a leftist until I saw W F Buckley on the BBC presenting a program called “Firing Line”.
This man was the apotheosis of clear thinking and common sense.
Within 6 one hour programs I was convinced that my ideology was suspect
and his was bang on.
He had a gently mocking manner with respect to those whom he disagreed with, such that some people of importance were made(very politely)to be unmasked as doctrinaire fools.
The “tea party” movement seems to have embraced the vulgarity of
the “John Birch” society leading the GOP on the road to ruin.
I’m no fan of Obama;but in an AB choice(an Hobson’s choice) I would choose him in preference to the the nutters that the teabagists laud.
Sarah Palin(I think “dim bulb” is an understatement) is currently the leader
in polls for the GOP candidate.(the imaginary God help us all!)
My proposal is that Charles Johnson should throw his hat in the ring!
Because compared to the pygmies that now infest the GOP it’s a no brainer.