
Asiana 777 Crash Lands at San Francisco Airport

Shvaughn7/06/2013 1:31:28 pm PDT

Meanwhile, right wing Christians are pissed that Tonto isn’t a Christian:

Dr. Ted Baehr of the Christian Film and Television Coalition is also upset that the U.S. government is portrayed as “bad” and the army is show killing Indians, which is historically accurate.

“The government is bad - the army is killing Indians - the bad guy is a businessman, the military-industrial complex is bad,”complained Dr. Baehr in his review on Movieguide.

“The pagan elements triumph because you’re looking at it from Tanto’s [sic] point of view. It’s not Buddhism, it’s not Hinduism, it’s a mishmash.”

Focus on the Family’s movie review site also slammed Tonto for not being a Christian: “Tonto’s worldview, meanwhile, is awash in Native American spirituality. As mentioned, he believes the white horse (Silver) is a spirit horse.”