
Amazing How The Only Group Voter Suppression Doesn't Target Is White Men

Backwoods Sleuth10/21/2013 4:57:13 pm PDT

re: #68 Targetpractice

I’ve a pet wingnut (in the sense that I regard a lot of what he says like I do the things my cat pukes on the carpet) who insists that things went to shit when no-fault divorce became legal. No matter how many times I’ve shown him the numbers showing divorce had been on the rise for decades prior, that judges were increasingly afraid of the precedent set by couples committing perjury to attain a divorce, or the negative results of couples being forced to stay together, he insists that things in this country would be ever so better if marriage was truly “til death do us part.”

And he should always sleep with one eye open, because “til death do us part” sometimes comes in many forms when a spouse get pushed too far…