
Secretary of Agriculture Stands By Request for Sherrod's Resignation

Kragar7/20/2010 1:26:23 pm PDT

re: #77 LudwigVanQuixote

Attention all Lizards.

I am utterly fed up with the world as it is now.

I can not stand the people we have in government or most of the mouth breathing troglodytes who are my fellow citizens in a nation I see spiraling into madness on the one side and weak cowardice on the other.

Honestly there really isn’t a lot of hope.

I have a solution however.

Antarctica is largely unclaimed. It will be nice and temperate in a few short decades. We will be able to grow crops there. This will particularly possible with fission reactors and hydroponics.

I propose the founding of a new state. It will be based on the principles of scientific rule. In fact, the guiding principle will be rule of the intelligent who have proven themselves as caring for society. We will only invite intelligent people, artists, musicians, scientists, engineers, medical doctors, the odd lawyer and enlightened clergy, the guys who make games for bioware and lucas arts, some master brewers from Belgium and Ireland, some people who know how to make good whiskey and the Sweedish Bikini team to be citizens.

We strictly bother no one as a rule.

Government will be strictly democratic in terms of election of a dictator (in the old sense of the word) and an advisory board composed of specialists who are constrained by a constitution to protect the individual rights of the populace. The specialist advisory boards shall have direct authority over their specialties. There will be a medical board, a safety board, a defense directorate and a science and policy board.

Voting for the dictator and the various directorates, will be permitted to those who work for the community. Since the community will rely on the maintenance and continued development of technologies, there will be plenty of work. If one does not do community service, there will be no penalty save the ability to vote.

Those who show signs of being overly Republican once there, will be airlifted to Texas free of charge.

Megawatt lasers in auto turrets around the perimeter will keep out the riff raff. This will become needed when the various current world rulers come t take what we have built for themselves. Short form, I know how to build those things, and I could likely learn to run the reactors. I certainly know plenty of others who could actually make this happen from a know how base.

We then tap into the satellite news, and the rest of the world becomes comedy rather than tragedy.

I’m down with that. I have military experience as well as civilian experience in both the physical and information security fields, where do I sign up?