
Overnight Open Thread

yma o hyd1/06/2009 8:10:42 am PST

Hiya, Lizard Nation!

Globull warming has given us yet another day of freezing temperatures, nights in the low20s, days just above 32 … but! We did have an hour or so of sunshine this afternoon!

Anyway, here’s the latest from The Muqata:

4:51 PM A senior IDF officer in the Gaza Strip said, “Many houses in the area are booby-trapped and underground tunnels were built under them meant to enable the kidnapping of soldiers.”
According to the officer, forces discovered a booby-trapped mosque, and among the weaponsm, found motorcycles meant to be used for kidnapping soldiers. (YNET)

4:56 PM Additional warning of rocket launch in the coming seconds/minutes to longer-range Western Negev communities (Kiryat Gat/Kiryat Melachi)

5:32 PM IDF releases additional information. Another IDF solider was killed in action today in Gaza, and 4 more wounded in Northern Gaza. Families have been notified.

Oh, and look at this gem:
2:12 PM IDF arrests TV reporter from AL-ALAM TV for spying on behalf of the enemy.