
Another Day at the Zoo

BruxellesBlog8/12/2009 6:16:07 am PDT

re: #467 Charles

Charles, with all due respect, it is very possible to be concerned about the government’s actions at Ruby Ridge and not be a racist. You are seriously engaging in a fairly egregious ad hominem attack with this line of reasoning. Randy Weaver was a POS, no doubt, but I think reasonable people can question what the government did at Ruby Ridge and not suddenly feel the need to join Aryan Nations, no?

The fact is nothing in what he said in the interview or his obvious concerns over civil liberties at Ruby Ridge can be construed as racist.

Is he a jerk? Sure, yes. But he wanted to prove a point, and, regardless of what a wennie he is, he did not break the law in NH. In addition, he was 75 yards from the event and the police and Secret Service determined he did not pose a threat. He had permission to be where he was standing on private property.

“Monsieur l’abb, je dteste ce que vous crivez, mais je donnerai ma vie pour que vous puissiez continuer crire”

Norbert Guterman “A Book of French Quotations”