
McCain Admits Sarah Palin Tension

Bloodnok10/11/2009 12:37:49 pm PDT

re: #78 iceweasel

Exactly. And mockery. Everyone I know on the left is HOPING Palin will run in 2012. Gleefully. As a sign of the total collapse of the GOP.

The more serious people deplore her influence and the idea of her candidacy because a democracy needs two healthy political parties at a minimum, and having only one candidate to vote for is no choice at all.

I’m not very far past the center either way, but it does help to read some of the left blogs (as you know) just to see what the tone of the debate is. I think a lot of people automatically assume that the left hates Palin with every fiber of their being or that it is because “she scarez ‘um”. They don’t and she doesn’t.