
Romney's Foreign Policy Stance In Shambles?

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/14/2012 4:22:27 pm PDT

… continued…


We believe that Intelligent Design theory, or Creationism, should be included with all science instruction along with the Darwinian theory. No theory should then be taught in public schools to the exclusion of the other.


We recommend that tax funded school libraries include creation science or intelligent design materials on their bookshelves.


We support displaying the Ten Commandments and the American flag along with the daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in its entirety in Iowa Schools.


We believe that Judeo-Christian values and Scripture should not be excluded from the public schools.


We support the free speech right of students to write and speak about God and religion in public schools.


We believe that voluntary teacher or student led prayer shall not be restricted in public schools. The use of the Bible as a textbook should be allowed.


We support the establishment of a no-activities night on Wednesdays.


The rest sort of follows:


We oppose the teaching of homosexual behavior as a normal or acceptable lifestyle in our public schools.


We believe that sexual orientation should not be allowed to be a basis for any school clubs, such as the Gay Straight Alliance, at any level of the public school system.


We oppose the “Bullying Law”.

The rest reads again pretty much like straight from AEI/ALEC talking points.

Then they get back to “Family Values”. You can pretty much guess what is in there.

When they get to “Government” they dip their toes again in the Alex Jones territory:


We oppose the proposed North American Union, which would do away with our borders and sovereignty, and we are opposed to the Amero, which would do away with our currency and sovereignty.


We oppose so-called “World Government” and support full constitutional sovereignty of the U.S.A.


We reject the “1972 World Heritage Treaty”, which sets up 20 heritage sites within the United States to be governed by a United Nations mandate.


We oppose any effort to implement Islamic Shariah law in this country.



We call for the repeal of the “Federal Reserve Act” eliminating the Federal Reserve and we support returning to the gold and/or silver standard.


It just keeps going on and on like that… it’s a smorgasbord of Alex Jones and Randian blurbs.

It’s such a grab bag of nuthood.

And this the official platform of the Republican Party of Iowa.

It’s not some parody by those nasty left wing Hollywood types.

Why won’t the media press Mitt Romney on what the various GOP platforms really say?