
Overnight Open Thread

BeerDrinking_VictoryMonkey1/06/2009 8:11:47 am PST

re: #847 Occasional Reader

Really? Did Futurama already steal my joke, even before I made it up? Pre-steal it, so to speak?

The episode “Future Stock” introduces Robot Judaism in a scene where Fry and Dr. Zoidberg, seeking free food, sneak into a “Bot Mitzvah” celebration (a spoof of the Bat Mitzvah). As a joke about Kashrut’s proscriptions against shellfish, Zoidberg was not allowed in. At the Bot Mitzvah, Fry asks a Jewish robot if they don’t believe in Robot Jesus, to which the robot replies, “We believe he was built, and that he was a very well-programmed robot, but he wasn’t our Messiah”. A banner written in Hebrew reads “Today you are a robot”,[4] referencing the traditional Jewish belief that a boy becomes a man on his Bar Mitzvah