
Overnight Open Thread

vxbush5/28/2009 9:07:54 am PDT

re: #859 Kosh’s Shadow

I did that a couple of years ago - free iPod (or $199 rebate for a fancier one).
They (the processing company, not Apple) lost the first submission, despite it being sent return receipt. When I called, they told me they could fax me a “lost bar code” form, which they did. And, of course, I had copies of everything.
The second time, they sent me the rebate. (I wonder if the fax ID saying the machine belonged to Atty Mrs Kosh’s Shadow helped)

So if you get a rebate, ESPECIALLY a large one, COPY EVERYTHING and keep track of the rebate.

They have that outsourced to some company, as I recall; can’t recall who.