
Palin Pimps Beck

HippieforLife8/26/2009 1:16:35 pm PDT

I believe that Glenn Beck is bringing up some things that may be important.

The idea of “czars” who are not confirmed and answer only to the President needs to be examined.

At least Mr. Beck has the ability to laugh at himself unlike Chris Matthews or Keith Olbermann. By the way, Keith O called FOX news viewers “racist” last night. Do you think that color of change will now boycott him?
I’m pretty sure that people of all walks of life watch FOX News so he has just smeared quite a few people. I never knew that I was racist, stupid, or worse because I choose to watch that cable channel.

Just because people like Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck it is hard to make value judgements about those people. We shouldn’t fall into that trap.